WOD: From OneWorld/Littleton/Brian
Try to get a handle on your 1 rep max hang power clean (MORE CLEANS!)


EMOTM 8 minutes
3 hang power cleans @ 70% max

-full rest, then-

Weighted Step up (choose weight and height, use a barbell)
Double Under

Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 total rounds):

30 Double-Unders
3 Pull Ups
7 Push Ups
3 Ground to Overhead (Choose weight)

*If you fail a round, feel free to change the weight if you feel you will compete better

WOD: From Crossfit Football

On the Minute Every Minute 15 minutes
2 Power Cleans (as heavy as possible)
10 Double Unders

*Penalty: Any minute not completed, finish just that rounds reps in the next minute and rest for the remainder or that minute.  At the end, complete 5 burpee box jumps for each round failed

Post weight used and number of penalties
Another trial WOD at a gym i'm thinking about.  It was fun and a very different challenge

5 rounds:
16 Body Weight rows (we used thick rope hung from pull up bars but rings or a bar are fine)
8 Burpees

-rest 5 minutes-

5 rounds:
Farmers Carry w/ KB (go up in weight each round) - 50 ft
50 Double unders or 100 singles
WOD I made up because I couldn't get any equipment

HOG (hands off ground) Push Up
Sit Up
Overhead Lunge with bar (45lb)
Double Under
WOD: From Littleton

Complete as many reps as possible in 4 minutes at each station
30 seconds to rotate between stations

Station 1:
10 wall ball (20lb) or 45lb Thruster
10 sit ups

Station 2:
10 push ups
10 Bicycles (ct right leg only)

Station 3:
5 pull ups
10  box jumps (24/20”)

Station 4:
10 mountain climbers (ct right leg only)
10 Dual KB Cleans (45lb)

Station 5:
10 kettlebell swings (45lb)
10 double-unders

This one is gonna HURT oh soo good!  Don't be intimidated by all the different exercises, you should be able to commandeer a few peices of equipment and a small space and be fine (Bar or Wallball, Box, KB, Jump Rope)

My first question was...'wait, there are 2 exercises in the 4 minutes, what do I do, pick one?"  then it became clear, no it is basically an 5 sets of 4 min AMRAP.  So in Station 1, do 10 wall bal, then 10 situps, then 10 wall ball, then 10 sit ups until the time is up and write down total reps
Bicycles: You know these... lay on your back with your hands behind your head, alternate your legs from straight out to your chest and hit your knee with the opposite elbow.  Pay attention, you only count 1 rep when you've hit both legs
Mountain Climbers - like the bicycle upside down...hands and feet on the ground, pump your legs such that one is straight out and the other is tucked in to your chest and tap both toes on the ground, then jump into the opposite position
3 rounds.  Take ~2min of rest between each round.  This isn't meant to be for time, but max reps/weight for each

Power Cleans - Set of 5
Max Muscle Ups - If you can't get to 5, do max pull ups until done
Double Unders - At least 30.  Go for as many in a row as possible.  Don't stop until you break it
Barbell curls - Set of 10.  

Chose a weight for the cleans that pushes you to the limit on the last set.  Go up in weight each set.  The goal for the 3rd round is to not be able to finish the fifth one.   On the curls, keep your elbows pushed against your body.  No cheating
WOD: From OneWorld - also the 1st workout of the 2011 CrossFit Open
10 Min AMRAP
30 double unders
15 Power Snatches (75lb)

I haven't been pounding on Double Unders so I thought I would bring them back...and I couldn't resist using a CrossFit Open workout.
WOD: Slightly modified from OneWorld

Complete 25-20-15-10-5 reps for time of:
Box Jump (24")
KB Swing (45lb)
KB Goblet Squat (45lb)
Choose: Run 100m -or- 30 double Unders -or- 7 Burpees

NOTES: Feel free to use a DB instead of a KB...scale as needed
Also, the workout calls for the 100m run but I can't do taht at my gym so I arbitrarily made up some other items and the conversions may not be fair...too bad.  I will likely do double unders
Deloading week for Wendler so i'm just going to combine them to make sure I get through it before Sunday so I can start my 3rd Wendler cycle.  I'll only post WODs

WOD: (modified from Crossfit Football)
On the minute for 15 minutes

2 Power Cleans (choose weight)
Max reps - alternate every minute between double unders, push ups, sit ups

Power clean weight - Use something you can do 2reps of but that as you progress in time you will have to do 1 at a time
After your two power cleans you use the rest of the minute to do max reps... minute 1 it is double unders, minute 2 is push ups, minute 3 is sit ups...then back to double unders - get it?